My father was always very kind to me, but he shouldn't get too much credit in this story as he allowed my mother's abuse to continue unchecked.  Her abusive ways were so barbaric and violent that I began to play games in my head rewriting my story where she was not my real mother.  This helped me to cope with all the mental and physical torture she heaped upon me.  I was 3 years old when I realized that I would never love my mother and I certainly wasn't going to wait around for her to love me.  Just the thought of her physical presence could make me very ill.  If she came too close to me, her scent was so foreign and disgusting to me that I wanted to vomit.  I was thoroughly repulsed by her and with that I became more and more withdrawn.  I remember when I went to kindergarten the teacher told my mother that I was "a funny little monkey".  Well, that's probably because I never spoke.  And I never spoke because my speeches were always met with violence and abuse.

My mother called me "that kid".  As in, "there's something wrong with THAT KID!  She's too skinny.  She won't eat.  Her shit is WHITE!"  Well my bowel movements were white because all I ate was milk and potatoes.  My mother wasn't the best cook and lots of fried baloney was served as our dinner.  I endured many visits to the doctor at my mother's insistence.  The doctor could find nothing wrong with me, much to my mother's dissatisfaction.

Side note:  Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse.  The caretaker of the child, most often the mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick.

In those days if a child lived in a house with cats and billows of cigarette smoke, the doctor didn't know why the child was awake and coughing all night long.  He called it chronic bronchitis, which means that the bronchial tube is inflamed.  Maybe just maybe I have bad lungs to this day because of that pill you took when you tried to kill me in 1953.  I did some research on the abortion pill and how it ends the pregnancy by drowning the fetus in the amniotic fluid.  This supports my theory of why I have such bad breathing problems.


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